Alors, cette fois ci je vous emmène en Russie avec le travail de Gennadi Novojilov (1936-2007) un illustrateur extremement rare sur le net qui a travailler entre autres dans l'edition et le cinema d'animation. Je suis tomber amoureux de son travail.
Ca me fait penser a pleins d'influences et de choses que j'aime : aux illustrateur americain et latino des annees 60-70, a la peinture chinoise aussi, le tout avec un graphisme tres cartoon melant a la fois ce cote un peux retro et resolument moderne sur certains aspect. Gros gros gros coup de coeur.
J'espere que vous aimerez !
Toutes les images proviennent de ce site
I can't believe it! where did you dig this one up? holy crap - the best illustrations I have seen for a long time. thank you so much...
RépondreSupprimerI discovered the work of Gennadi Novojilov in a book that I found in a flea market
RépondreSupprimerand after I found in a Russian site all of his work:
I'm extremely happy to have you to discover this artist Mr Bacher !
You are for me a big reference, and I love your work!(artworks of Disney - your work on the movie Mulan is extraordinary - and your wonrdeful book " dream world")and your blog give me a lot of references with extraordinary artists like wilhelm m.bush , Alex Nino,Mirko Hanák etc....
If you're interested i'll be happy to scan you the work of artists and make you discover too
I have too a collection of René Hausman, a Belgian author (because I'm Belgian) I believe you enjoy and that can be difficult for you to get them to where you live!
I'm really happy you come on my blog, and thank you for you message :-)
Sorry but my english isn't it good, I hope is not to bad to read it.
and thank you again !!
hello, im sorry to bother you, but i after I got really excited by reading that the works of Gennadi Novojilov were all in that site ( I was very disappointed not to find their drawings or paintings. I don't know if Im not looking correctly, or if they got lost...I was wondering if you had a copy of the works showcased in that site? Or another collection with Gennadi's work. I'm amazed by it, and I want to see more of it, but I'm just a young argentinian animator that doesn't speak a word of russian. I'd be so happy if you could help me. Thanks a lot for this compilation you already offered. Gennadi's work inspires me deeply.
RépondreSupprimerThank you forr being you